Timeline of West Virginia
Snow Sports Areas
This is a work in progress please email wvsnowsportsmuseum@gmail.com with suggestions or edits.
Click the links in pink for more information.
* Denotes Nordic Area
1951 - 1962
Cabin Mountain (Driftland)
Canaan Valley, WV

1953 - 1980
Chestnut Ridge
Bruceton Mills, WV

1955 - 1961
Gregg's Knob
near Afton & Terra Alta, WV

1956 - 1959
Weiss Knob
Canaan Valley, WV

1956 - Present
Davis, WV
Blackwater Falls State Park History
Historic Photos of the Park
Map it--> Blackwater Falls Cross-Country Center & Sled Run

1940 - 1965
1969 - Present
Wheeling, WV

1958 - 1961
Bald Knob Ski Slopes
Ghent, WV

1959 - 1965
Weiss Knob II
Canaan Valley, WV

1959 - 1965
Green Bank, WV

1968 - 1980
Charleston, WV

1971 - Present
Canaan Valley, WV

1972 - Never Opened
Job Knob
Job, WV

1974 - Present
Terra Alta, WV

1974 - Present
Snowshoe, WV

1976 - Present
Ghent, WV

1981 - Present
White Grass Ski Touring Center
Canaan Valley, WV

1981 - 1984
Mount Timberline
Canaan Valley, WV

1983 - Never Opened
Tory Mountain
Harman, WV

1984 - Present
Slaty Fork, WV

1984 - Present
Snowshoe, WV

1985 (circa) - ?
Richwood Adventure *
Cranberry Wilderness Area, WV

1985 - Never Opened
Laurel Creek Club
Lewisburg, WV

1986 - 2018
Timberline 4 Season Resort
Canaan Valley, WV

2003 - Never Opened
Almost Heaven
Harman, WV

2020 - Present
Canaan Valley, WV

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Our Mission
To document and preserve
West Virginia's Snow Sports History.

Our Vision
West Virginia's Snow Sports History available online and at a physical museum and archive, preserving this history to enhance the future.