Members & Sponsors
The Members & Sponsors of the Snow Sports Museum of West Virginia
generously support this site and the organization.
Thank you for your selfless contribution.
Charter Members
Canaan Valley Ski Patrol
Mike and Joann Cavallaro
Cline Family
William Cox and Diana Horne
John & Karen Denbigh
Michael Doble
David Downs
Friends of the Cross - Snowshoe
John & Lydia Hambrick
Paula Hinkle
Kathy and Larry Knight
Ric Igel
Poore Family
Bill & Linda Smith
Bobby and Annie Snyder
Oakland Foundation (Sustaining Member
Shockley Family
Timberline Mountain Ski Patrol
Kim and Monica Williams (Sustaining Members)
Seth Owen Williams (in Memoriam)
Stephen Vincent
Tim Worden
Individual Members
Stephen Baker
Anna Marie Beare
Mike Carroll
Michael Carter
Glenda Crawford
Sarah Fletcher
David Harman
Andrew Hickson
Steve Hile
Candice Jones
Scott Kesner
Emily Khan
Susan Meyer
Elva Nalo
Maggie Nelson
Cece Niemi
Tom Preston
Cary Reed
Melaine Seiler
Blair Taylor
Stan White
Edward Worden
Steven Zaliznick
Family Membership
Mark & Bonnie Branciaroli
Tony Cavender Family
John & Mary Beth Clark
Nora & David Faunce
Fenwick-Judy Family
Karen Field & Family
Jocelyn and Ryan Gaujot Family
Scott & Diane Hinkle
Pete & Mary Gail Holden
Margie & Keith Horne Family
Robert Livingston
John & Beckie Manzoni Family
Phoebe & Bill Mollard Family
David & Susan Miller Family
Alane O'Neill Family
Mike Redman Family
Eric Poskanzer
Lee Sherline
Andy & Terri Snyder
Joe Stevens & Family
Jess Tucker
Janice & Tom Youngblood
Anne Smith and Ron Elle
Martin Williams
Jack & Karen Winstersteen
Lifetime Members
​James Baczuk
Clay Baker
Steve Baker
Mike & Kimmie Battle
Rob Boutwell
Jane Browning
Steve & Lynn Cvechko
Andrea & Bruce Dalton
Heather & George Finly
William Freeman
Ted Fries
Michael Goss
Mark Head
James Huber
Bill Kirk
John Lutz
Mike Mullins
Bill & Karen Peterson
Bob & Becky Steptoe
Individual Sponsors
Clay Baker
John Brown
Julie Wallace Carr
Cary Reed
Bruce and Andrea Dalton
John Davies
Sydney Diamond
Peter Flaherty
Karen Field
David Harman
Kate Hayes
Carries Hawkins
Doug Hochom
Bill Kirk
Ray LaMora
Jennifer Neelen
Jimmy Swann
Scott Young
Robert Wallace
Corporate Sponsors
Canaan Valley Resort
K.T. Bright, CPA
Oakland Foundation
Sirianni's Pizza Cafe
Tucker County Chamber of Commerce
Tucker Community Foundation
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To document and preserve
West Virginia's Snow Sports History.